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ESE English School LLC, Training&Workshop on becoming ALT

120 HOURS Online TESOL Certification

Get an affordable TESOL Certification at your own convenience.  Enroll with us to avail the 120-hour full online TESOL certification program provided by TESOL Asia - one of the world’s biggest TESOL organizations.  This program allows you to get globally-recognized certification as an English teacher at the comfort of your home and at your convenient time. The training program covers six (6) modules of globally competitive teacher training anchored on the latest trend and techniques in English language pedagogy.  The program can be taken within three (3) months and comes with free-of-charge program extension and free periodic refresher courses to update your skills with the latest trends in English teaching.

Image by Sergey Zolkin
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8-HOURS Online ALT Certification Training&Workshop

Do you want to get certified as ALT but have limited opportunities?  Why not join our 8-HOUR Online ALT Certification Training & Workshop so you can get certified while enjoying the comfort of your home, wherever in Japan you may be or whichever country you are in?  Through this program, you can learn about the Japanese school ALT system and be ready to become an ALT without the trouble and additional cost of coming over to our lesson studio for two (2) days of Training and Workshop.

Make a reservation now and let’s find the best time for your ALT Certification.

IN-CLASS Training&Workshop

Throughout the two (2) days (or equivalent to 8 hours) Training&Workshop, Our team of experienced Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) and English Language Teacher (ELT) in Japan will provide you with valuable and practical knowledge, information and training to become an effective ALT in Japan.

Training&Workshop: Class Policies

Among others, the Training and Workshop shall cover :

1. Background on Japan's basic education system and relevant government policies.

2. Japan's ALT system and the rules of the ALT.

3. Learning styles and cultural tendencies of the Japanese.

4. English textbook used in Japanese Schools.

5. Social and work etiquette in Japan.

6. Basic Nihonggo.

7. Games and Activities taught in school.

8. Workshop and Demo lessons.

Training&Workshop: Class Overview
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